The SIYB Association of Kenya is a membership-based organization formed in 2016 and registered in 2018. The Association seeks to promote the creation of decent work and employment opportunities in Kenya and the region through delivery of the Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) Programme and related Business Development packages, including: Generate Your Business Idea (GYBI); Start Your Business (SYB); Improve Your Business (IYB); GET Ahead Package; Improve Your Exhibition Skills; Expand Your Business (EYB); and the SIYB Business Game.
Start and Improve Your Business one of the largest global business management training programme that was developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Its focus in on starting and improving businesses as a strategy for creating more employment and decent work for potential and existing entrepreneurs across the globe. It is an all-inclusive programme which has shown growth and impact at the business level.
The membership comprises International Labour Organization/ Start and Improve Your Business (ILO/SIYB) licensed Master Trainers and certified Trainers. In Kenya, there are currently 13 licensed ILO/SIYB Master Trainers and over 350 Certified ILO/SIYB Trainers who deliver the flagship ILO/SIYB Programmes of Training of Trainers (SIYB TOTs), Training of Potential Entrepreneurs (TOPE), Training of Entrepreneurs(TOE), Improve Your Exhibition Skills (IYES), GET Ahead and Expand Your Business (EYB).
Additionally, we offer related Business Development services (BDS) and entrepreneurship related training, business coaching and mentorship, evaluations and impact assessments to individuals, businesses and organizations in Kenya and the East Africa Region using the SIYB methodologies and approaches.
Since inception, the Association has carried out SIYB TOTs, TOEs and other training and business mentorship interventions for clients such as the ILO PPDP Programme, ILO PROSPECTs Project, Equity Group Foundation (EGF), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Cooperative Consultancy and Insurance Agency, CAP Youth Empowerment Institute, The Somali Small and Medium Enterprise Facility (SMEF) of BDO UK LLP, The Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) of the United Nations-KE, International Organization for Migration (IOM), amongst others.
To promote the creation of decent work and employment opportunities in Kenya through delivery of the Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) Programme.
To be the frontline organization for promoting the creation of decent work and employment opportunities in Kenya and the region.